InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Recordings from BigBlueButton Summit 2012

It was a productive day of workshops and collaboration with the BigBlueButton community during the summit.  Here are the recordings from the sessions.

Overview: Growing the BigBlueButton Community

Fred Dixon, BigBlueButton Project Manager, spoke of the history and growth of the BigBlueButton project (click image below to playback recording).

Session #1: BigBlueButton User Experience Feedback

Bruce Tuji chaired a session on feedback for BigBlueButton. Bruce shared his experiences using BigBlueButton at Carleton University.

The feedback from the community on improving the usability included

  • Create a ‘pre-flight’ checklist to give the user feedback (before they join a BigBlueButton session) if their browser or bandwidth is sufficient to run the client
  • Simplify the interface for testing the user’s audio
  • Add checks to a ‘pre-flight’ checklist that checks successful execution of Java for desktop sharing
  • Enable some feedback to user during the session if their bandwidth is insufficient

Click image below to playback the recording.

Session #2: BigBlueButton Product Road Map

Fred Dixon chaired a session on feedback for the BigBlueButton Product Road Map.

The feedback from the community included

  • Enable simultaneous editing of whiteboard
  • Enable the moderator to adjust the sensitivity of a user’s microphone

Session #3: Improving the BigBlueButton Architecture

Richard Alam, BigBlueButton’s Chief Architect, chaired a session on evolving and improving the BigBlueButton Architecture.

There was discussion on support for the HTML5 architecture and the consolidation of components in BigBlueButton server. We also discussed the ongoing work to refactor the client and server and investigation on WebRTC.

Session #4: Development Process

Fred Dixon chaired a session on evolving and improving the BigBlueButton’s development process.

The feedback from the community included

  • Support for Ubuntu 12.04
  • Offering a long term support version of BigBlueButton
  • Use of IRC for supporting BigBlueButton community (and why we currently don’t use IRC)
  • Better management of branches in github repository

Overall it was a great day of collaboration among the BigBlueButton community. We look forward to holding the next BigBlueButton summit in 2013.

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