BigBlueButton 0.80 Released
We are pleased to announce the FINAL RELEASE of BigBlueButton 0.80. We’ve had the 0.80-RC3 candidate out for about two weeks and it’s looking good.
InstructureCon 2024 | July 9th – 11th
InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th
Get the latest news about the BigBlueButton project.
We are pleased to announce the FINAL RELEASE of BigBlueButton 0.80. We’ve had the 0.80-RC3 candidate out for about two weeks and it’s looking good.
BigBlueButton 0.8-beta-3 is now released, our third beta in the development of BigBlueButton 0.8. In addition to the usual bug fixes under the hood (see
We spent about six weeks profiling and testing the server code. The end result: better handling of VoIP packets and lower memory usage on the
BigBlueButton 0.71 is released. The biggest changes were in improvements to VoIP, selectable area for desktop sharing, and real-time chat translation using Google Translate. See
The primary goal of BigBlueButton is to enable remote students to have a high-quality learning experience. After fourteen weeks of development, untold number of cups
We’ve released BigBlueButton 0.64 (code named Lickety-split). This release increased the scalability and speed of desktop sharing, added finer-grain listener management, and new additions to
After about two weeks of testing and testing, BigBlueButton 0.63 is Released. As with each release, you can download BigBlueButton as a fully working Virtual
BigBlueButton 0.62 saw many improvements to desktop sharing. We’re proud that it support desktop sharing from mac, pc, and unix systems. Users will benefit from
The days of a long release cycle are gone. A year ago, we’d plan this big feature for BigBlueButton, estimate that it would take two