InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Is Blended Learning the Way of the Future?

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the show writers gave viewers a look at what a future classroom might look like.  

The broadcasts took place from 1993 to 1999, and the episodes are set in the future between 2369 and 2375. Although every child has a computer and seems to know exactly how to use it, the classroom layout is hardly different from what was prevalent at the beginning of the 21st century.

Image credit: The school aboard Deep Space 9 with Keiko O’Brien as teacher and several Bajoran and Human students. (DS9: “In the Hands of the Prophets”)

Pictured (L-R) are Rosalind Chao, Cirroc Lofton, and unknown performers.

Copyrighted, Fair use. Owner/Creator: ViacomCBS (was Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Broadcasting, Inc.)

The creators of the various Star Trek stories are considered visionaries in many respects, but they apparently could not imagine the current form of online learning.

The Visionaries of BigBlueButton

Fortunately, there are more visionaries in the world than the Star Trek creative team. At BigBlueButton, we have a razor-sharp view of the future, and online learning plays a significant part in it. In 2020, we were proven right too, when the dreadful coronavirus year demonstrated that a flexible and intelligent platform such as the BigBlueButton virtual classroom could be successful. Moreover, you can deploy it on a large scale.

This realization gives us the determination to develop our current system further and meet teachers and students’ needs worldwide. In almost every virtual classroom software comparison, BigBlueButton stands head and shoulders above the rest. The technology is built upon an open-source basis, making it highly adaptable. We have provided it with a comprehensive package of smart features such as the possibility for audio and video recording and playback, screen sharing and breakout rooms. 

The Classical Classroom

While we’re dedicated to our mission of creating an education-centric online classroom, we certainly do not want to do away with the classical classroom. For us, it is not a matter of choosing between two systems but of combining them. Our vision is that of blended learning, or hybrid learning, as many also call it. In it, part of the education still takes place in a physical classroom. 

Archeological finds show that the concept of a group of students gathered around their teacher has existed since Classical Antiquity. Over the centuries, there have been ideas to organize schools and classes differently, but they have not stood the test of time. So, we assume that this ancient concept is quite robust. 

Digital Literacy

In our opinion, classes remain necessary as before, but they must adapt to changing times. In 2018, found that 94% of 15-year-old students in Canada had access to a computer at home. This statistic is an exceptionally high figure compared to other member countries of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). However, there is still work to do for the remaining 6%, and of course, there are other age groups that also need education.

In addition, our country needs to further commit to computer literacy. It is not enough for all students to have a working computer with a stable and safe internet connection; they must also be able to use it. Admittedly, BigBlueButton is an intuitive system, but this is not the only technology that will challenge students as they grow up. 

Archeological finds show that the concept of a group of students gathered around their teacher has existed since Classical Antiquity. Over the centuries, there have been ideas to organize schools and classes differently, but they have not stood the test of time. So, we assume that this ancient concept is quite robust. 

The Human Factor

We must also be careful not to rush things. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs launched commendable initiatives, but they are also moving extremely fast. Not all schools are ready for such a giant leap, or more importantly, not all children and parents. We are confident that these initiatives will bring about their intended revolutions, provided we give them the necessary time and possibly in modified forms.  

We must also not forget that human brains evolve at a different pace than technology and that technology will not magically increase student self-direction. This last aspect will always require attention and guidance. Much consideration will be necessary to find the ideal mix of resources and venues for learning activities.

Another aspect to consider is privacy and ethics. After all, educational data is sensitive, and we must keep our users safe. At BigBlueButton, we make sure that the data collected in the context of online education stays private and protected.

In addition, our country needs to further commit to computer literacy. It is not enough for all students to have a working computer with a stable and safe internet connection; they must also be able to use it. Admittedly, BigBlueButton is an intuitive system, but this is not the only technology that will challenge students as they grow up. 

Archeological finds show that the concept of a group of students gathered around their teacher has existed since Classical Antiquity. Over the centuries, there have been ideas to organize schools and classes differently, but they have not stood the test of time. So, we assume that this ancient concept is quite robust.