InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

What Parents Are Saying About the Value and Importance of Educators Right Now

This isn’t a post about technology or products.  Rather, we want to recognize and appreciate our educators for rising to the challenge with courage, grace, and the love of teaching.  The quotes within are from parents who have their kids in online learning.

Teachers, parents, and children are all facing one of the biggest education challenges of our time. Throughout the world, over one billion children have been affected by school closures due to the pandemic. Students are learning from home, placing an enormous burden on them, their families, and their educators.

There are large divides between parents whose children are attending school in person and those whose kids are receiving their education via online learning at home. Many parents with kids who are receiving online instruction have voiced concerns about the quality of their children’s education. Educators worldwide are putting forth herculean efforts to adapt their lesson plans and teaching styles to ensure the best learning outcomes. They’re facing new challenges and striving for new milestones with the goal of teaching and nurturing our future generations. Regardless of the format in which your child receives their education, one thing remains true: educators have never been more critical or worked as hard to rise to the challenges at hand.

“Given the fact that it all started almost a year ago, I can say that things are surely moving in the right direction,” said Nicole B., mother of two grade school children.

“Teachers are finding their way in making ‘social distance’ feel shorter. In the beginning, there seemed to be a difference between the younger and older teachers–different modes and rhythms in getting along. The good thing is that they tried everything to keep spirits up and motivate the children to keep doing their best. I most enjoyed the personal touch: a joke, a funny photo, a message directed to the child: the reaction was always enthusiastic and brought inspiration to my kids.”

Yvonne H. ,mother of three grade school children, said, “I have gained much more respect for the teachers who teach our children every day with both courage and encouragement. Our teachers are certainly working to make the most of the lockdown. I can only imagine the work and planning that goes on behind the scenes. As parents, we tend to take for granted what teachers mean to our kids. The pandemic has made it crystal-clear how valuable our educators are. And I have nothing but admiration for the way that they have stood behind not only the children, but also the parents, encouraging us, being there to answer any question at any time of the day.”

Mascha F., mother of two, whose children are involved in distance learning said, “I have the highest respect and gratitude for all teachers who are weathering the COVID pandemic alongside us and helping our children stay on top of their education. I don’t know what I would do without their constant presence and dedication in teaching our kids. And I’m grateful for the technology that allows us to continue forward with learning even when it isn’t safe to gather in classrooms.”

“We had the option of choosing to send our kids physically back to class or allow them to attend school remotely,” said a Nicky R., mother of two, who ultimately chose the online option. “We decided that it made more sense and was safer to keep them at home, and we have been impressed with and grateful for their teachers’ dedication.”

Finally, Nadia S., with kids attending school in-person said, “We were disappointed to find that we didn’t have the option to switch after choosing physical school and then finding that kids in my children’s classes were testing positive for COVID. Even though we continue to test negative, we still have to isolate after these exposures. We wish that we had chosen online because it’s far more stable, as opposed to never knowing when the next exposure will pop up. However, we are extremely grateful to our kids’ teachers, who unfailingly offer their support, commitment, and best efforts in teaching and encouraging our kids through such a hard time.”

“I have extreme admiration for the way today’s teachers are helping not one or two children develop but a whole class full–and in the midst of such unprecedented challenges,” said Rina C., mother of one.

“Preparing lessons, teaching, group attention and individual attention and care, along with monitoring, supporting, comforting, motivating, encouraging, and empowering every child… especially at this time when the teachers are taking a risk with their own health, it’s admirable that they take that risk for granted because of their drive to be there for their classes. Education is an important pillar for our society, and these teachers have made sure from a distance that our children’s development does not fall behind.”