BigBlueButton has been focused on the educational market for over 10 years now. Over those years, the major learning management systems Canvas, Schoology, Jenzabar, D2L, and Moodle Cloud have all integrated BigBlueButton into their product as the default virtual classroom.
One of the largest Canvas customers is Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), a K12 school district based in Orange County, Florida with over 212,000 full-time enrolled students, making it the 9th largest school district in the USA.
When OCPS closed its 197 schools last month due to Covid-19, many classes went online using Canvas and BigBlueButton.
The local news station Click Orlando recently gave a behind-the-scenes look at how OCPS is using Canvas and BigBlueButton to deliver its classes online (see Here’s what digital learning is like for Orange County students).
How many BigBlueButton sessions do they hold a week? Bob Bixtler, Associate Superintendent: Curriculum & Digital Learning, tweeted in April 17 the numbers for April 13 – 17, 2020.

Assuming each online session is roughly 45 minutes long, that’s over twenty five thousand hours of online classes each week at OCPS using BigBlueButton!
OCPS is a great example of how the focus of the BigBlueButton project on online learning is benefiting teachers and students in a large way.
If you have an example of a large-scale deployment of BigBlueButton that you would like featured in this blog, please contact ffdixon .at. bigbluebutton .dot. org.