InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

BigBlueButton Summit VIII: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The BigBlueButton developer community met in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada last week to coordinate development of the open source project for the next six months.

This was our eighth developer summit in four years. At this summit we had participants from Brazil, United States, Tunisia, and Canada. As with each summit, it’s an opportunity to work together for five days on exploring improvements to BigBlueButton, incorporating feedback from users, discussing architectural choices for the project, and making presentations to the community.

The focus of this summit was along a number of tracks: finishing BigBlueButton 1.0 release (currently in Release Candidate), planning the next BigBlueButton 1.1 release, reworking the BigBlueButton UI, and working on the architecture for the HTML5 and mobile client.

Thanks to all the developers who participated at the week-long summit: Anton Georgiev, Calvin Walton, Chad Pilkey, Danny Perrone, Felipe Cecagno, Fred Dixon, Gabriel de Campes, Ghazi Triki, Leonardo Daronco, Lucas Zawacki, Max Doumit, Maxim Khlobystov, Oleksandr Zhurbenko, Oswaldo Acauan, Pedro Marin, Richard Alam, Stephen Dame, Tiago Jacobs, and Zachary Chai.

We thank the following organizations who helped make this summit possible:

There was a lot of collaboration during the week. As with each summit, the highlight is making presentations to the BigBlueButton community on our progress. Here are the links to the presentations:

BigBlueButton UI Update

Tyler Copeland gives an update on the work to evolve the BigBlueButton user interface.

BigBlueButton Project Update

Fred Dixon gives an update on the project.

BigBlueButton HTML Client Update

The HTML5 development team gives an update on the progress to create an HTML5 client for BigBlueButton.


We had a lot of fun at this summit, including an evening out to a local puzzle room where we tried to solve all the puzzles and escape from a room in 45 minutes. I think some members thought debugging BigBlueButton was easier than the puzzle rooms :-). Thanks to the Code Factory for providing us the space for the summit.

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