InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Greenlight 2.0

Greenlight is a simple-to-use web application that you can install on any BigBlueButton 2.0 server.  We introduced Greenlight 1.0 last year to give users the ability to create a meeting, invite others to join the meeting, and manage the recordings.

Today we are announcing Greenlight 2.0.  We took all the feedback from the first version and rebuilt it from the ground up and gave it brand new user interface, making it even easier to use.

Greenlight 2.0 uses the concept of a personalized room which is connected to a short “license plate” like URL. This permanent URL gives each user their own personal room.

Greenlight 2.0 has all the features required to make your BigBlueButton server manageable and accessible, such as:

  • Signup/Login with Twitter, Google or through the application itself.
  • Manage your account settings and user preferences.
  • Create and manage your own personal rooms (BigBlueButton sessions).
  • Allow users to wait for your room to start, then automatically join when it does.
  • Invite others to your room using a simple URL.
  • View recordings and share them with others.

Video Overview

For an overview of how the new GreenLight 2.0 works, check out the video below.

How to Install / Upgrade

To install Greenlight 2.0 on a BigBlueButton server, see the Installing Greenlight section.

You can also test Greenlight 2.0 on our demo server.

For full source code, see

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