InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Highlighting the great work of the MConf Team

The MConf team, a group of developers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Porto Alegre, Brazil, have been hard at work this past year on contributing to BigBlueButton project.  I want to highlight some of their contributions and encourage everyone who is using BigBlueButton to check out their projects.


We recently had the pleasure to co-authored a chapter in a published textbook with Valter Roesler, Felipe Cecagno, and Leonardo Crauss Daronco — three of the members behind MConf team.  The textbook is

Multimedia – A Multidisciplinary Approach to Complex Issues, ISBN 978-953-51-0216-8, edited by Ioannis Karydis.

The textbook is available on-line for download at…

Specifically, we co-authored Chapter 10: MConf: An Open Source Multiconference System for Web and Mobile Devices.  This chapter gave a background BigBlueButton and the web-based portal (MConf-web) and android client (MConf-mobile) that the MConf team have been building for BigBlueButton.  You can download the specific chapter here:…

Android client

The MConf team recently released their BigBlueButton Android client on the Andriod marketplace, see…

Web-based Portal

Their MConf-web project is creating a ruby-on-rails front-end for BigBlueButton for scheduling meetings and building on-linen communities.

Check out their GitHub page at

We recommend that everyone check MConf’s projects.  They have also been active in improving BigBlueButton’s core: if you like the video dock module in BigBlueButton 0.8-beta-4, it was contributed by Felipe Cecagno.

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