InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

BigBlueButton HTML5 Prototype Running on an iPad

The BigBlueButton team has been working on creating an HTML5 interface for BigBlueButton.

The first phase of the project is to create an HTML5 client that supports two-way chat, and one-way presentation, user list, audio and video.  We definitely want to support iOS devices with an HTML5 client and yesterday we got the first working integration of streaming audio and video for the HTML5 client displaying on an iPad (see screen shot below).

The ongoing work on an HTML5 interface for BigBlueButton is occurring parallel to the development effort on BigBlueButton 0.81.  The HTML5 client will not be part of the 0.81 release; rather, it will be merged into a subsequent release.  We also have plans to revise the HTML5 UI Design.

While getting an HTML5 client running on iPad is still in the prototype stages, it was cool to see it working!

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