InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Tag: BigBlueButton

Chris’s summary of BigBlueButton

Our mission is to make BigBlueButton the best web conferencing system for distance education. In his Web Master Dearborn Schools blog, Chris Kenniburg gave his

Google Supports BigBlueButton

The BigBlueButton open source project has been accepted into the 2010 Google Summer of Code! You can see us in the accepted list. We’re looking

Free Technology For Teachers

Some good coverage of BigBlueButton in theFree Technology For Teachers blog — though we tend to characterize the project as open source web conferencing as

Push the BigBlueButton

Thanks Betsy for the good words on BigBlueButton. Yes the BigBlueButton developers do occasionally hang out on the demo server. We find it an excellent

Our demo server has been busy

Here’s a screen shot of activity this morning. That’s thirteen people from around the world logged into the server trying out BigBlueButton. Cool!

Nice Screen Shot

Here’s a nice screen shot posted by a user of our demo server. (Link found on twitter.)

Chrome Extension

Jeremy Thomerson, from GenericConf has created a Chrome extension that you can use to test the BigBlueButton API. Really nice and lightweight. Should be very

Integrating with Sakai

Do you use Sakai? Adrian Fish is working on integrating BigBlueButton with the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment. See Adrain’s post.