InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Tag: BigBlueButton

eFront Integration

The developers over at eFront have just released a BigBlueButton integration module for eFront. While we haven’t used eFront ourselves yet, this seems like a

BigBlueButton at Campus Technology 2010

Denis Zgonjanin and I are going to be demonstrating BigBlueButton the next few days at Campus Technology 2010, an educational technology conferencing now being held

BigBlueButton 0.7 is released

The primary goal of BigBlueButton is to enable remote students to have a high-quality learning experience. After fourteen weeks of development, untold number of cups

BigBlueButton Foundation

As many of you know, almost all successful open source projects have an independent foundation overseeing its growth. Good examples are the Sakai Foundation, Eclipse

D’Arcy checks out BigBlueButton

D’Arcy Norman gives his impressions of trying out BigBlueButton. Once observation he made: What is missing in BigBlueButton is … the ability to record meetings/classes

Well Played, Blackboard

In his recent article Well Played, Blackboard, George Siemens suggests that BigBlueButton should work closely with other non-blackboard companies to offer the market choices. We

Keeping an eye on BigBlueButton

In this blog post about the recent Blackboard acquisition of Wimba and Elluminate, Geoff Cain wrote I will be watching Blackboard closely on how they