InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Tag: Sakai

BigBlueButton Video from Lancaster University

Dr Alastair Robertson, a research fellow in e-Science, Lancaster University Management School, has posted to YouTube a video showing how to use BigBlueButton in conjunction

Sakai User Conference Report

Fred Dixon and Denis Zgonjanin, two employees of Blindside Networks, demonstrated BigBlueButton last week to the over 400+ conference attendees in Denver, Colorado. The buzz

Sakai Integration with BigBlueButton

Thanks to Nuno Fernandes and Adrian Fish for their recent release of a Sakai Integration with BigBlueButton. Here’s a link to the project’s home page.

Sakai Integration with BigBlueButton

Thanks to Nuno Fernandes and Adrian Fish for their recent release of a Sakai Integration for BigBlueButton. Here’s a link to the project’s page.

Integrating with Sakai

Do you use Sakai? Adrian Fish is working on integrating BigBlueButton with the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment. See Adrain’s post.