InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Tag: BigBlueButton

BigBlueButton at Sakai 2011

Omar Shammas and Fred Dixon recently attended the Sakai 2011 User Conferencein Los Angeles to demonstrate the latest version of BigBlueButton. We showed the upcoming

BigBlueButton Android client now supports video

The GT-Mconf team recently demonstrated at Campo Grande-Brazil an updated version of their BigBlueButton Android client supporting video. Here’s a screen shot: More screenshots available

Easier localization of BigBlueButton

Thanks to contributions from our community, BigBlueButton is now localized in over thirty (30) languages. This is awesome, but it’s also a lot of work

Lessons from an Open Source Business

Fred Dixon, one of the BigBlueButton developers, recently published an article in the Open Source Business Resource titled Lessons from an Open Source Business. The

Early days of BigBlueButton

We recently came across this picture of a drawing by Richard Alam made during a presentation on the architecture of BigBlueButton in 2008. Since then,

Jeff Miles Reviews BigBlueButton

Jeff Miles recently posted this review of BigBlueButton on his blog. He made lots of good comments on BigBlueButton, but for us this one stood

Dean Mantz is happy

Recently Dean Mantz gave a big shout outto the volunteers in the BigBlueButton Setup mailing list for their assistance. Here’s an excerpt from his post: