InstructureCon 2024  |  July 9th – 11th

InstructureCon 2024
July 9th – 11th

Tag: BigBlueButton

Steve Boneham’s Review of BigBlueButton

Thanks to Steve Boneham — a consultant that offers research, development and training in web design, podcasting, digital video, social media & e-Learning — for

Comments from Chris Kenniburg

Chris Kenniburg, Web Master for Dearborn Schools (Dearborn, MI), checked out our beta WordPress plugin for BigBlueButton and in this recent blog post he wrote:

BigBlueButton Video from Lancaster University

Dr Alastair Robertson, a research fellow in e-Science, Lancaster University Management School, has posted to YouTube a video showing how to use BigBlueButton in conjunction

Breakout Rooms in 0.71

A new feature appearing in BigBlueButton 0.71 will be the ability to create breakout rooms. A moderator in the meeting will be able to select

Pictures from TikiFest/BigBlueButton

Thanks to Natasha D’Souza from Virtual Eye See for posting her pictures taken at last night’s TikiFest/BigBlueButton event. The photos are available here. This event

TikiWiki / BigBlueButton Wine and Cheese

The core TikiWiki development team is hosting a TikiWiki / BigBlueButton Wine and Cheese event at the Code Factory, 246 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

BigBlueButton at Wikimania 2010

Marc Laporte, the project admin for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, talked about the integration of BigBlueButton with TikiWiki during his sessionat Wikimania 2010. This is

Community support for BigBlueButton

Many large companies will inquire about support for BigBlueButton, but we also try to help the smaller companies with community support in the mailing lists.

Dearborn Schools using BigBlueButton

Chris Kenniburg posts he is looking forwardto record and playback in 0.8. Chris, we might sneak a 0.71 version out before 0.8. But we definitely